Rules and Regulations
1  Rules and Regulations are framed, not to restrict students freedom, but to enable them to make best possible use of all the facilities, academic and cultural, offered by the college.
2 General discipline is to be maintained during class hours, assemblies and activities. Campus property is to be respected and campus kept clean.
3 Students are advised to consult the college notice board every day.
4 No books, pamphlets or papers will be circulated by the students nor tickets for any program sold within the premises without the permission of the Principal.
5 No money shall be raised for any purpose whatsoever, or gifts made to staff members or others without the permission of the Principal.
6 No student is allowed to leave a lecture hall without the lecturer’s permission or until the class is dismissed.
7 Student must cultivate the use of library. They are expected to spend their free time in the reading room referring book in the library section.
8 Ragging is a cognizable offence and those who indulge in it or even encourage it will be handed over to the police, as per G.O.Ed 122 URC 96 dated 16.01.1997.
9 Consumption of Tobacco, and or any of its products within the range of 100 m. in and around the college campus is a punishable offence as per law.
10 Campus must be kept clean at all times. Littering and defacing the walls or desks, damaging college property etc. are offences. Every class under the guidance of the class leader will be the responsible for the cleanliness of the room allotted to it.
11 Every student is required to carry his/her identity card to the college. The card should be shown to any members of the staff or college official whenever required.
12 Dress code: While the college does not prescribe a formal code, it does expect all students to keep in mind basic norms of decency with regard to dress habits.
13 Boys and girls are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and maturity in their inter-relationships; they must observe norms of decency and propriety.
14 The college takes note of serious misbehaviour, insubordination, habitual tardiness, irregular work habits, inattention in class, late coming and obscenity which are punishable by temporary or permanent dismissal. Minor offences are punishable by a fine or loss of attendance.
15 Students requiring leave must apply for the same. Leave may be granted for genuine reasons only. A note justifying unforeseen leave, duly signed by the parent or guardian or warden must be produced before entering class. Medical Certificate is mandatory when a student is absent for more than 3 days due to illness.
16 A student who is absent for 7 days at a stretch without informing the Principal of the reason of his/her absence is liable to have his/her name stuck of the rolls. Those below the required level of attendance will not be permitted for First year and Second year PUC examinations. A student who falls short of 85% attendance in any month will be required to meet the Principal with his/her parents. Students who have shortage of attendance will not be sent to the Final Examinations.
17 There will be regular tests and examinations. Attendance at all tests and exams is compulsory. Student will not be permitted to attend classes till they justify their absence from the test and exams. They will have to bring their parents and meet the Principal.
18 Marks of every test/exam will be either sent by SMS or through the parents in person.
19 1st Year student, who is caught for malpractice during exams will not be promoted to 2nd year and 2nd year student will not be allowed to appear for Final Exam.
20 Personal belongings, books, umbrellas should have a mark of identification of its owner. All lost or found property should be brought to the college office.
21 Industrial visits and educational tours may be organized with the prior permission of the Principal. Students need to get written permission from their parents to take part in such events.
22 Use of cellular/mobile phones in the college campus is prohibited. If students are found using the same for any purposed in the campus, their cellular/mobile phones will be confiscated.
23 The college is not responsible for the misconduct of its students outside its premises. However, it will take strict note of serious misconduct of its students that may cause damage to the college reputation. If found guilty, the misconduct shall be punishable according to the gravity of the offence.
24 Any political agitation directed against the authority of the Government will not be allowed. Participation in such activity or any other public movement without the permission of the college authorities will be considered illegal.
25 The students are advised not to come with costly ornaments, nor to bring money in excess to their requirements to-the campus.